Warman's John Deere Collectibles - David Doyle

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All John Deere collectibles, from a few rare items including tin dealer signs to the commonly collected coffee mugs are identified, priced and described in this full-color book. Of the thousands of listings in this great guide to Green featured items include modern dealer signs and displays, paper products/ephemera items, petroleum pieces, toys and models, and tools. Delve into the history and collectible-rich legacy of the Green tractors that draw devotion from farmers and non-farmers alike. All John Deere collectibles, from the most rare to the common are identified, priced and described in this book, to aid in your collecting endeavors and historical appreciation. Featured items include: Dealer signs and displays, Paper products/ephemeral items Petroleum pieces Toys and models Tools

Author: Doyle, David
Publisher: Krause Publications
Illustration: N
Language: ENG
Title: Warman's John Deere Collectibles
Pages: 00256 (Encrypted EPUB)
On Sale: 2012-01-01
SKU-13/ISBN: 9781440219191
Category: Antiques & Collectibles : Transportation
Category: Transportation : Automotive - Antique & Classic